This little girl knows Jesus.

As in, she
knows Jesus. A couple of months ago we were all outside at night, and the moon shone brightly in the crisp sky. We pointed out the moon, and she immediately,
urgently pointed straight up to the heavens and said, "Jesus! Jesus!" She looked at each of us, as if to make sure we were all listening to her, and she repeated, "Jesus! Jesus!" in the same direct and urgent manner. It took my breath away, and we all recognized the boldness and confidence spoken by our little year-and-a-half-year-old.
And it has happened again and again.
And lately, for unknown reasons, it happens multiple times daily. We will be stirring around the house, each of us enwrapped in our own pursuits, and she will point straight up with the same urgency and remind us about Jesus using the same words. It was astounding at first, unbelievable as it continued, and now a humbling reminder of Whose presence she has recently left, yet Whose presence is still nearby.
We have (sadly) just one hanging picture of Christ in our home. It is the picture of Christ calling the apostles to be fishers of men. I love that picture. I have pointed out Jesus in that picture to Emery on the wall many times since she was old enough to see and recognize the Savior. But I have not made a point to sit with her and look at other pictures of Christ in the church magazines or other places.
I don't have to.
She brings them to me.
She will find church magazines, flip to various paintings and depictions of Christ, and she knows who He is. Many of these paintings have a different representation of Christ's face and features. But she still knows who He is. There is a famous picture of Christ ordaining the apostles with many different men in the picture. Without any prompting from me, she pointed to Christ's face.
We were at my friend Audra's house this past week, and as we were talking together, Emery interrupted us and pointed to a statue on the desk: "Jesus! Jesus!" And then when we were down by the front door, and she saw another framed depiction of Christ, she pointed out to us again, "Jesus."
They seem to know each other.
Emery reminds me that it is "out of the mouth of babes."
And I love our little witness of Jesus Christ.