Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Don't Mess with My Sweet Girl!!

If you refer to #9 on the "Tag, I'm It" post, you will notice that I stated that I don't really get offended. IXNAY on that OSTPAY!! I am currently battling hard feelings for a 5-year-old bully-girl in Raleigh's kindergarten class who picked on my sweet girl! I am (mostly) over it. Luckily, Raleigh is, too. We're going to kill her with kindness. And kick her booty if she ever mouths off to Raleigh again. In other news . . .

Raleigh announced tonight, "I'm going to be a five-and-a-half-year-old artist, Mom. So if you call me to breakfast tomorrow morning, and I don't come right away, it's probably because I'm in the middle of a painting."
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  1. Just remember Raleigh, your Grandpa Matthews was a real fighter when he was a kid. Don't let them bug you, just ignore her.

  2. Grrrr. Let's get that kid! Nobody messes with my little Mathews girls.

    Kids will be kids, I guess. Good attitude.

  3. Ok, Raleigh here’s the plan. On Friday at 3:00P.M out by the flag pole. I'll even let you have the first kick to the shin. But then I'll take over and you won't have to worry about her ever again. Little girls in body casts can't do much!! Ok, maybe that is a little harsh. But I got your back just in case.

  4. That girl is in BIG FAT trouble. The kindness is a GREAT idea, it really makes people feel dumb when they are rude, but you are always nice! I think this plan will work. Good job Raleigh


    PS. She only gets one chance, then it will be time to call "Kung Fu Kyle" to take out "the trash".

  5. Oh my gosh, you guys are so funny! I tell Raleigh every day when I drop her off at school: "Don't forget how much we love you!" Now I should probably add, "Just tell them, my grandpa's taller than your grandpa!" Because that's what we used to say to mean kids on the bus about our dad.
