Sunday, March 1, 2009


Does anyone want to lose 15 lbs with me by April 15th?  Six weeks, count 'em, six weeks.  It would've been "10 lbs by the 15th," but I've put on a few lately.  I would give my excuses (and believe me, they are valid), but this is my YEAR OF NO EXCUSES!  Do you like that?  It's the year I turn 30!!!  

I've been dreading it ever since I was about eleven or twelve years old when Andi Houghtaling was telling me that turning 30 was the worst because "you're just as close to 15 as you are to 45."  I thought that was so profound.  Almost as profound as the time she told me, "Everybody picks their nose."  I was floored.  

Anyway, part of my YEAR OF NO EXCUSES is to weigh a certain secret number by the time I am 30.  Now, my birthday is NOT on the 15th of April, but it is very close.  And "15 lbs by April 15th" is just so catchy.  Anyone in??

I am counting my calories on on the Daily Plate tab.  It is SO user friendly, and kind of fun.  I also like the feature where you can track your workouts, too.  But while LiveStrong is counting my calories, I just need a little motivation.  And . . . what to eat for lunch?  That's my worst meal of the day because I'm not so in to sandwiches lately, (or meat prep.  No, I am not pregnant, and if I was, I wouldn't make the first announcement here), and I have not been cooking so much lately so I don't have many leftovers.  WHOOPS!  Did that sound like an excuse??  

Maybe I should just skip lunch.  That'll cut calories!  Anyone in?


  1. Im totally in! I have had the same thoughts. Lunch is such a struggle for me! Ive taken the liking to Slim Fast shakes for lunch, but sometimes I want some solid food, too. Id like to lose the last of the baby fat and the 15th sounds like a good goal! Good luck!

  2. Uh, I think I want to be in on this, but I know I'll have to work hard. That's what's holding me back. . . I'll committ tomorrow. . .okay, fine. I'm in!

  3. I think Andi may be one of the smartest most profound people we all know. Hope you are doing well.
