While we were in SLC, we thought it would be nice to take the girls inside the LDS Conference Center since they've never been. We loved all the cute old people working there as missionary tour guides! Dionne was in heaven. They catered the tour to children per our request, and we learned some interesting things about the Conference Center.

The Conference Center is the largest assembly hall in America. It seats 21,000 people: 7,000 on each floor. Here you can see the decorations from the Christmas Devotional that were left on display through the holiday. We were there on the day they began taking the decorations down, and it was amazing how quickly they worked! Everything on the stage, including the TABERNACLE ORGAN can come offstage. The organ slides back behind the wall if needed, and all of the seats can be taken out if there is a performance where a full stage is needed. Also, the organ in the Conference Center has (I think she said) 7,000 pipes, whereas, the tabernacle organ has 20,000. Unbelievable! In putting in the organ for the Conference Center, they didn't want to upstage the tabernacle organ because it is the premier organ. Interesting.

Beautiful. That is natural light coming in from the skylights up above. I can't remember how many there are, but it seems like she said there were 70 of them. And they close off during performances and Conference sessions.
This is how we all felt after we were finished with our two-hour brunch and one-hour tour.
It looks like everyone had a great time. It is fun to go see the local attractions!