Dallas was thrilled that Kensington LOVED the little piggy he bought her for Christmas. He was most excited for THIS present because she loves animals so much. The little piglet looks so real and cute, and its snout and hind legs move when you turn it on. She carried it around and fed him. They looked like little piggy twinners.

If you know Raleigh well, you know that she LOVES buses. She wants so badly to ride the bus to school- if only she really knew how stinky and dirty they really are! But whenever she plays with her Polly Pockets or other little dolls, they are always loading up onto a bus. Over Christmastime, we had a miniature sleigh for the girls to play with, and she would line all of the little manger scene characters up in a line waiting for the "bus" sleigh and give them all rides. We have like four sets of nativities that we let the girls play with each year, and so far the sleigh-bus was the biggest hit. Here's a picture of Raleigh opening another thoughtful gift from her Daddy: a BUS! It's the second in her collection.
Two anxious sisters on Christmas Eve, ready to spread the "Reindeer Dust" given to Madeline at preschool. It is a hearty concoction of oats and glitter that lure Santa and his team to your house on Christmas Eve!
Here are the girls out in the yard spreading the Reindeer Dust. I love this picture of them helping each other. It really is a joy to have daughters who love each other. Notice the beautiful luminaires lining the street- so beautiful.
There's our angelic little Raleigh-Kroggies singing in the back row at the school Christmas Sing-In! She got put in the "tall row." Poor girl.
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