This picture shows how I feel about being "tagged," but I'll do it for you, Kenda!
umm . . . I don't really watch t.v. very much. But when I do, I like the following-
Studio 5 (a local daytime lifestyle-type show)
Rachael Ray
Curious George (yes, I like it)
uhh. that's all. ok.
Macaroni Grill (love the bread and appetizers, love the entrees, love the dessert)
Tony Caputo's (SLC- yum, yummy Italiano)
Olive Garden (order the Tour of Italy- three meals in one!)
Tuscany (SLC area- bring lots of $$$)
Cafe Pig (GA- pulled pork so good that I bottled the sauce and flew it back to Utah with me.)
Los Hermanos (and, no, I don't go there for the "authentic" Mexican food. I like the fake kind.)
California Pizza Chicken (love the BBQ chicken salad)
Little America Hotel Breakfast Buffet
I ran into Karli Haglund from ATL at my favorite boutique, found out she WORKS there (lucky dog), and she ordered in a little birthday surprise for Madeline on the house in their cute little bistro! We had a maahvelous time, and little Miss Middle felt like a princess with her own little birthday cake on a doily, (which was on a silver tray), frosted to perfection with a tall. lit candle and a Fizzie Lizzy to drink. (Think Delta Crown Room- Sprite with grenadine on the rocks) with REAL freshly whipped cream in a tall clear plastic cup and a tall straw. Ah! I really envied her! (Madeline)
I packed Madeline up for school with her basket of "corn" (Caramel Rice Krispie Treats wrapped in corn husks) for her pilgrim feast at preschool. She dressed up in an old-fashioned-looking dress that I wore when I was little. (And it was also the one I wet my pants in at the Fox Theater in ATL on a third grade class field trip. Now that was fun!)
I made some MEAN fajitas for dinner. And I ate the leftovers this morning at 9:55 am. Close to lunchtime, right??
I attempted to take a nap. Madeline sNOreS, and Choobers decided for the first time in like a month that she wasn't going to take her afternoon nap. Yep, it was a POOPER! (Not that I couldn't take a nap, but the reason for Kensington's naplessness.)
I got to hang out with my hubby!! Very precious time spent together.
I sang Happy Birthday to Madeline.
I ate chocolate cheesecake.
I almost said to an unmentioned person, "I know you are, but what am I?"
Bedtime tonight
Seeing Dallas tomorrow
Eating turkey dinner
My next workout
Playing Santa (or should I say, "Mrs. Claus")
Putting on my doggie pj's and curling up with a good book
Chocolate cheesecake leftovers
Spending a day with my family tomorrow
Crisp air
Apple butter on homemade bread toast
Pumpkin pie and cinnamon smells
Lots of cozy blankets
The holiday season starts
Hee Haw Farms
Orchard apples
Comfort food
All-Clad saute pan
French lessons
Violin lessons
Living closer to my parents
Stability in the world
A clutter-free life (but then what else would I do all day?)
Can't think of anything else; I enjoy the here and now.
People I Tag:
JT Tolsma
Heather Walker
Amanda Frye (because you really need to update your blog.)
Trina Van Ausdal
Bryn Starr (what's your new last name??)
(Amanda Lewis, I WILL NOT tag you because you have too much going on in your life right now!)
I think this is the last TAG I will ever participate it. R.I.P.